Due to some staff shortages please note the following classes have been rearranged/cancelled for the upcoming term.
Wed 1/5 all classes at Glebe villas will be moved to Ralli hall due to Glebe villas being used as a polling station.
Thurs 2/5 all classes at Glebe villas will be moved to Ralli hall due to Glebe villas being used as a polling station.
Sun 12/5 3.30pm festival group will be moved to 2pm and the 5pm Festival group will be moved to 12pm
Monday Preschool 1.45pm : No classes on 6/5 and 13/5
Thurs 4pm and 5pm : No classes on 9/5 and 16/5 (all 6pm classes will be ran as normal, 8pm class will run on 9/5)
Thurs 8pm Adult Class :No classes on 16/5
Friday Preschool 12.45pm : No classes on 10/5 and 17/5
Friday 8pm class : No class on 3/5 (all 4pm, 5pm and 6pm classes will be ran as normal)